Wednesday, April 26, 2023, Stéphane Debost, founder of In Arte Veritas,
had the honor of being one of the signatories of the Valence Declaration for Peace,
an initiative that will simultaneously launch the creation of an international forum and a university for peace.
Initiated by the painter António Cámaro, whom we exclusively represent worldwide, and the philosopher David González,
also a professor at the University of Valencia, this declaration marks a global first since the Roehrich Pact of 1937,
initiated by the peace painter Nicolas Roehrich and ratified by all member countries of the League of Nations.
As a reminder, António Cámaro was appointed by UNESCO as the painter of the Concord of Peoples and Peace.
The declaration on April 26 brought together signatories from civil society representing all religions, among other stakeholders.
A foundational and inspiring moment…
Valencia Declaration for Peace
“The most fundamental link we share is that we all live on this small planet. We all breathe the same air, we all value the future of our children, and we are all mortal.” – J. F. Kennedy
“Oh, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together!” – Psalm 133, 1
“Peace be upon you, these are the words of the merciful Lord.” – Quran, 36-58
The undersigned do not represent any state, government, or political party. We are a group of citizens, movements, associations, and religious communities from civil society, without any human power but believing in the power of words, goodwill, harmony, and the possibility of realizing in this world the utopia of peace through dialogue. We exclude the erroneous and false path of violence that will never lead humanity to self-realization, only breeding hatred and perpetuating armed conflicts that seriously undermine the moral dignity of human beings, as well as that of many peoples, cultures, and religions deserving the deepest and fair respect and reverence.
Our unequivocal will is to solemnly and in writing proclaim the absolute rejection of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in any form, as well as any trace of cultural, political, or religious fanaticism that has hitherto hindered the path to sincere encounter that would have made possible the peace and solidarity coexistence we dream of and that everyone desires.
Similarly, in this spirit, we urge those who hold the power and human authority to initiate this dialogue to make the utmost effort to begin generating the possibility of a sociopolitical scenario allowing the cessation of any hostility. We must sit together as brothers at the same table to resolve any differences solely and strictly through dialogue and consensus. We all share the same dignity. We are all mortal. We are all individuals.
In this way, we can regain the spirit of Cordoba from the 11th century, where the three Jewish, Christian, and Muslim cultures coexisted peacefully, respecting each other, recognizing the supreme value of life, and the right to individuality of each being. Thus, we can achieve a richer and more pluralistic society that allows all dimensions of the human being to flourish and bear fruit for the common good. Ultimately, a higher society in which, in a context of peace, each individual, from their own culture, can fully develop.
That’s why we consider it crucial to work from childhood for this “culture of peace” and to avoid any discourse of hatred: to end all dogmatism, fanaticism, and totalitarianism. It is precisely these plagues that breed violence, fear, and terror.
The signatories cannot remain silent in the face of so much horror, and it is our duty to work and strive for dialogue and peace, to achieve a harmonious society devoid of weapons, obstacles, and thorns.
Valencia, April 26, 2023
Palace of Colomina, C/ Almudí, 1