Portrait of In Arte Veritas' youngest collector


It is with great pleasure that we present an exclusive interview featuring Mauro,

the youngest collector of the In Arte Veritas galleries.

This young enthusiast made his first acquisition on his 17th birthday with “The Year of the Tiger” by Hom Nguyen.

A few months later, he added a new piece to his collection: “CardborZoic II” by José Luis Ceña.



Mauro’s story with our gallery began when he was 16 years old.

During a visit to In Arte Veritas Valencia, he fell in love with the artistic universe and the diversity of the exhibited works.

Since that first encounter, he has never strayed far from our gallery,

quickly becoming one of our most enthusiastic Spanish clients.

His journey is impressive. Within the span of a year, Mauro has not only developed a deep understanding of art,

but has also recognized and invested in exceptionally high-quality works.

In this interview, he shares with us his experience, motivations, favorite pieces, and unique vision of the art world.

He tells us how he cultivated his passion at a young age and offers advice for young collectors.


Don’t miss this exceptional interview with Mauro,

whose passion and enthusiasm for In Arte Veritas perfectly illustrate the transformative impact

that art can have on younger generations.

To read the interview, click on the thumbnail below!

En savoir plus …

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