Nicolas Monjo and Martí Moreno at In Arte Veritas!


This summer is busier than ever for In Arte Veritas, and we couldn’t be happier! 😊


✨ We are thrilled to announce that we now represent the painter Nicolas Monjo

and the Spanish sculptor Manuel Martí Moreno at In Arte Veritas.



Nicolas Monjo: Composer of Canvases


Nicolas Monjo, a self-taught painter, explores the human figure in surrealistic realms with a unique and poetic technique.

His art skillfully combines acrylic and oil on canvas, playing with the laws of chemistry

to create captivating and immersive relief effects.

His paintings, dominated by shades of gray and dark blue, are distinguished by their singular and fantastical atmosphere.

Monjo invites each viewer to interpret his work freely, offering a poetic exploration of the beauty in the everyday

and the quest to transcend the ordinary.

Discover his paintings soon at In Arte Veritas, and right now by clicking here !




Manuel Martí Moreno : Sculpture Beyond the Tangible

Contemporary sculptor Manuel Martí Moreno, hailing from Valencia,

is renowned for his ability to explore human existence through art.

His sculptures, which blend figuration and abstraction, invite reflection on time, space, and the fragility of our existence.

By integrating everyday objects and industrial materials, he creates unique pieces that captivate audiences.

His innovative technique, using nuts to shape unfinished volumes, encourages viewers to complete the works with their imagination.

Martí Moreno’s creations, currently on display at In Arte Veritas Valencia, are both fascinating and deeply inspiring.

To discover the works of Manuel Martí Moreno, click here!



We invite you to visit our galleries and discover these exceptional artists!


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