How to invest in art?


In its September 2024 edition, the Spanish national magazine Emprendedores publishes an article titled 

How to Invest in Art“, featuring insights from Stéphane Debost, 

founder of In Arte Veritas, and Rubén Puga, founder of Fidelitas Arte.



Through this article, Debost and Puga share their expertise to guide those looking to invest in the art market,

a sector that has been evolving for twenty years and often outperforms traditional economic indicators,

offering unique opportunities to investors.


Stéphane Debost, an art collector since the age of 18, decided to turn that passion into his profession ten years ago,

now combining the roles of gallery owner and art investment advisor.

Meanwhile, Rubén Puga leads Fidelitas Arte with an innovative vision,

aiming to democratize access to art as a financial asset.



The article explores the backgrounds and philosophies of both experts,

highlighting the importance of emotion in acquiring artworks

while emphasizing the need for well-thought-out strategies to maximize their value.

It also covers topics such as the diversity of artistic media, tokenization, sustainability, and the digitalization of art.


Art, far from being reserved for an elite, is an investment accessible to everyone,

from major collectors to passionate enthusiasts.



To read the full article, click on one of the thumbnails below:

En savoir plus …

French version

Spanish version

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