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Idan Zareski
Idan Zareski has a great talent for representing emotions. His sculptures are touching, they have grace. The artist manages to capture the moment in such a way that it naturally makes us feel connected to his work.




Exhibition Chapelle des Pénitents-Bleus

Price List

Toro 100

Nena 100

Le Siffleur 50 (Black and Gold)

Ladyfoot 80

Hubert et Bubu


Nena 50

Babyfoot 85

Bigfoot 250

Coolfoot 220

Le Siffleur 220 (red and silver)

Babyfoot 225

Le Siffleur 220 (black and gold)

Le Siffleur 85 (red and silver)

Bigfoot 85 (Gold Edition)

Coolfoot 75 (red and silver)




Idan Zareski, of Franco-Israeli nationality, was born in Haifa, Israel. He lives and works between France, Costa Rica, and Miami.


Idan has had an unconventional and surprising journey. From a young age, he was immersed in multiple cultures and lived a life rich in travels between Africa, Europe, the United States, and Latin America. At the age of 38, he decided to stop everything to follow his passion: sculpture.


Idan quickly gained international recognition after the launch of his Bigfoot Family series, whose feet evoke the roots of our past and serve as our anchor on this fragile little planet, reminding us that we all tread on the same ground. Born from his passion to promote cultural awareness and tolerance worldwide, the Bigfoot family and its monumental sculptures have gained global renown while spreading its message of unity far and wide.

The artist has a great talent for representing emotions and reinventing the human body through his innovative and passionate artistic expression. His sculptures are touching, they have grace. He manages to capture the moment in such a way that it naturally makes us feel connected to his work.


I don’t plan my sculptures, nor do I sketch. My experiences and emotions are my only guide in the moment. When I work, I feel in absolute communion with a greater force than myself.


Idan shapes his creations with clay, his preferred material. In his studio, you’ll find the same tools used by the ancient master sculptors, plaster molds, clay, and ancient sculpting tools.


I’m always amazed by the fact that emotions can not only take shape but be shared, without a word… in absolute silence.”


His work has already been exhibited in France, Italy, Canada, Panama, Monaco, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Colombia, China, and the United States… His sculptures have been featured in major art fairs and public spaces as well as in several art collections and well-known publications.

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