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Jean-François Gambino is a sculptor with a spectacular menagerie, whose spontaneous execution vividly captures the energy of the wild world. Today, his animal bronzes captivate audiences of all kinds and are among the most coveted in the French art market. Born in Paris in 1966, of Franco-Sicilian origin, Jean-François Gambino is a self-taught sculptor who discovered his innate talent for sculpture later in life.
Initially drawn to the world of music, young Jean-François enrolled in a musicology program at the Sorbonne. After completing this initial academic path, he chose to change directions and worked for over ten years in the after-sales service of the renowned Cartier jewelry on Rue de la Paix in Paris.
During this period, he developed a fascination for animal sculpture, having encountered it in the field of jewelry. Wanting to try his hand at it, in 1997, he decided to train in clay modeling with sculptor Chantal Adam. In her workshop in Neuilly-sur-Marne, he also became acquainted with the technique of patina using natural pigments.
As this new means of expression gradually occupied all his free time, six years later (in 2003), he decided to dedicate himself entirely to his artistic practice by changing his professional direction. Now a sculptor, he focused on animal representations, a universe he considers exceptionally rich in forms.