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Jose Luis Ceña
José Luis Ceña Ruiz was born in Malaga in 1982, and he lives and works in Madrid. He studied fine arts at the Complutense University of Madrid (2000-2005), engraving, and graphic design at the Spanish Royal Mint in Madrid.




The stéréotype

No flag

Follow the yellow brick road

Abstract pattern II




José Luis Ceña Ruiz was born in Malaga in 1982, and he lives and works in Madrid.

He studied fine arts at the Complutense University of Madrid (2000-2005) and engraving and graphic design at the Spanish Royal Mint in Madrid. Currently, in parallel with his career, he is a professor of engraving in the Master’s program in Media Graphics Printing at the University of Castilla la Mancha.


His paintings are rich in character. The tangibility of the composition allows the viewer to project their own feelings and meaning onto the work, creating their own individual interpretations. Part of his iconography emerges from his thoughts based on readings or personal experiences. There is an undeniable echo of romantic mystery throughout his work.


His work does not directly evoke meaning but rather suggests the reality hidden in emotion, a chance, a narrative. His art functions as a matrix of melancholic sentiment among the audience, who, although they may not have experienced the events described, will poetically be invited to feel the nostalgia of moments that belong to their past.

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