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Holder of a degree in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic School San Carlos de Valencia, Antonio Camaró, a Valencian painter, also studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at UNED. In 2017, he was named by UNESCO as the “Painter of Understanding and Peace between Civilizations and Cultures” due to his social and human commitment that he conveys through his works.
“…the desire to be perfect, to see oneself in others, to understand that the other is me, in order to create a better world together where harmony, love, and respect reign among us all: ‘humanity’.”
Considered the painter who makes thinkers think, he has received several distinctions and awards for his work aimed at using his art to end all forms of fundamentalism and promote coexistence between the Eastern and Western worlds.
Antonio Camaró has also been awarded with the Gold Medal of the European Association of Economy and Competitiveness in recognition of his career and his art that promotes the meeting of cultures and civilizations, as well as their economic development.
He has also received the highest distinction from the Italian organization Arte Senza Frontiere, which is present worldwide, as well as the Fénix Internacional Euroamericano awards.
His works have been and continue to be widely used for tribute and commemoration. For example, he created and exhibited paintings for the 50th anniversary of May 68 by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Institute, as well as for the 2018 non-violence movement in tribute to Martin Luther King in Geneva, Switzerland.Holder of a degree in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic School San Carlos of Valencia, Antonio Camaró was appointed by UNESCO as the painter of understanding and peace between different civilizations and cultures due to his social and human commitment.