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Cécile Plaisance
Cécile Plaisance has always been fascinated by the fiery relationship between the image of women as objects of desire and the obligation to live in a controlled society. Today, her lenticular photographs allow her to convey a message, an anthem to femininity.




Nun & Baby


Chanel - Fuck The Rules

Nun Blum

Nun Blum - Main

Veuve V5

Masque V3

Masque V2 - B&W


Chanel Free

Burqa Hanna




Cécile Plaisance has always been fascinated by the fiery relationship between the image of women as objects of desire and the obligation to live in a controlled society.


Today, her lenticular photographs allow her to convey a message.


One must be cautious; A woman can hide another! Beyond cultures, clothing, and life paths, the women depicted in Cécile Plaisance’s lenticular works aspire to live their multiple lives fully and intensely.


No religion can justify violating women’s rights. Women should be equal to men and should be free to do as they please with their image and body. I dream of a world where women could reclaim their freedom, no matter where they live and regardless of their religion. In 2017, no woman should be afraid to go out alone, drive a car, listen to music, or have a drink at a bar with friends. No woman should be afraid to wear a miniskirt on the street… No woman should hide in a house waiting for her husband to come home.


I want my photographs to be an anthem to femininity.


And it’s my job as a photographer, to highlight these messages through their appearance.”


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